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2024 Legislation

AB 247 – Education finance: school facilities: Kindergarten through Community College Public Education
Establishes the Kindergarten Through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2024, and places a state general obligation bond on the 2024 statewide ballot to fund the construction and modernization of K-12 and California Community Colleges school facilities.

AB 432 – California Court Interpreter Workforce Pilot Program
Establishes the California Court Interpreter Workforce Pilot Program to be administered by the Judicial Council to increase the number of eligible applicants for employment as court interpreters.

AB 1142 – California Community Colleges Civic Center Act
Extends the sunset date for the Civic Center Act at community colleges from January 1, 2025 to January 1, 2030, to ensure that structures and facilities built with public funds are accessible to the public for uses beyond schooling.

AB 2047 – Public postsecondary education: discrimination prevention
Requires the CSU, and the UC to establish a systemwide office of Civil Rights to oversee and monitor the system’s efforts to prevent and address sex discrimination and sexual harassment on campus. The measure also requires each campus of the CSU and UC to establish a campus-based Title IX office to assist in addressing sexual harassment complaints that occur on campus.

AB 2048 – Community colleges: community college sexual harassment and Title IX working group
Requires the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges (CCC) to establish a community college sexual harassment and Title IX working group to examine and provide recommendations to improve existing policies for how CCCs address and prevent sex discrimination.

AB 2275 – Trustees of the California State University (CSU): appointees
Requires, to the greatest extent possible, that members appointed to the CSU Board of Trustees be representative of the demographics of the state, including race and gender, disability, veterans, among others.

AB 2305 – Public postsecondary education: community colleges: statewide baccalaureate degree program
Revises the timeline for approving California Community Colleges (CCC) baccalaureate degree programs by reducing the submission cycle to once a year and lengthening the timeline for which the CCC, CSU and UC have to approve the program.

AB 2328 – Classified employees: school and community college districts: merit system: disciplinary action
Establishes parity in employee disciplinary protections between classified employees of merit and non-merit school and community college districts.

AB 2487 – Deputy Secretary for Climate- Green Jobs Website
Requires the Deputy Secretary for Climate, within the Labor and Workforce Development Agency, to create and maintain a green jobs website, which serves as the central hub for employment opportunities related to carbon-neutral jobs.

AB 2500 – Student financial aid: application deadlines: postponement
Streamlines the process for local educational agencies and higher education institutions to request an extension of the deadline for students to submit financial aid applications to the California Student Aid Commission following an emergency or other event.

AB 2573 – Policy fellows: status of services: nonprofit organizations
Specifies that the services of a fellow hosted by the Asian Pacific Islander Capitol Association, the California Black Staff Association, the Capitol LGBTQ Association, or The California Latino Capitol Association Foundation, is not considered compensation, a reward, a gift, an interest, a business, a transaction, a professional activity, or an obligation.

AB 2631 – Local agencies: ethics training
Requires the Fair Political Practices Commission to create and maintain a free online ethics training course.

AB 2707 – Community colleges: student housing: study
Requires the Legislative Analyst Office to study housing needs for students in community college over 25 years of age and students with dependents.

AB 2931 – Community colleges: classified employees: merit system: part-time student-tutors
Exempts community college districts with merit systems from classifying part-time students employed part time as “student-tutors.”

AB 2979 – Income taxation: exclusion: victim compensation
Clarifies that payments from the California Victim Compensation Fund are not taxable under state law.

AB 3004 – Proposition 65: certificates of merit: Attorney General Communications
Updates the process for providing a 60-day notice of alleged violation under Proposition 65, and requires the Attorney General to provide comments, suggestions or other communications in response to a potential settlement to all parties.

AB 3087 – California Community Colleges Economic and Workforce Development Program
Extends the sunset of the California Community Colleges Economic and Workforce Development Program by five years, from January 1, 2025 to January 1, 2030.

AB 3110 – Community colleges: preapprenticeship programs
Provides that courses associated with preapprenticeship programs established by the Division of Apprenticeship Standards are eligible for community college noncredit apportionment funding.

AB 3214 – Public transit: advertising
Requires the state, to the extent feasible, to prioritize advertising space offered by a public transit operator over other advertising space for a public awareness campaign.

AB 3261 – Horse racing: out-of-state thoroughbred races
Increases the per day statewide limit on the total number of thoroughbred races imported by associations or fairs when live thoroughbred or fair racing is being conducted in the state from 50 to 75.

HR 71 – Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) Awareness Month
Establishes the month of March as MSA Awareness Month. MSA is a rare neurodegenerative disorder, which affects between 15,000 and 50,000 Americans of all genders and races.